Pace Corporate Education

Leadership Training

Close Leadership Gaps In Your Organization

About This Training

Today’s organizational leaders often play a dual role; one part manager and one part HR professional. But this can be a tricky split to balance. Most leaders are not formally trained in Human Resources but are expected to motivate their teams effectively without crossing any boundaries.  This training will teach your leaders how to elevate into true leaders, not simply managers.

Find out what the best leadership styles are and how to develop the interpersonal skills needed to take charge while inspiring others around you.  These skills will allow your leaders to not only create high-performing teams but manage them to their fullest potential.

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These interactive experiential modules can be delivered at your headquarters or on our beautiful DeLand campus. We have delivered customized training through workshops lasting a few hours to a week or longer.

As with any good leadership training, we always start with a lot of listening. We have much to offer, but only if you need it. Through a quick discovery call, you’ll help us better define the class structure, learning outcomes, and the nuances of your unique situation so we can develop a plan that meets the needs of your leadership and business goals. This preliminary conversation will answer all your questions and provide us the insights to truly make your workshop a customized experience built specifically for your company and the results you need.


Discovery process

trainings can be customized
Current Training Programs
Modern Leadership - Managing & Leading Others


Supervision is dead…long live talent management!  This statement, while not true in an absolute sense, still relates to the skills needed in the supervision of a modern workforce – employees need to be led, work organized, and common goals controlled and attained – it is the role of Supervisors that has evolved.  This definitive new role is one of Talent Manager, a new approach that takes a comprehensive view in supervising others and is critical to the success of the organization, its people, and ultimately its customers.  Today’s Talent Manager is challenged daily with working smarter to balance the demands of employees and management, empowering staff, prioritizing the urgent, and leveraging knowledge and technology to facilitate innovation from the bottom up.

The Managing & Leading Others workshop is facilitated using multiple classroom learning methods.  Such methods of knowledge transfer take a meaningful and actionable approach in providing leaders with relevant knowledge to improve personal and team performance.  In this workshop, a high-energy approach is used to convey approaches to creating curiosity within employees and empowering teams to work through challenges in support of organizational strategy.    

Participants Will Learn How To

  • Learn the modern roles, responsibilities, and challenges of directing others
  • Develop a talent management tool kit that will accelerate success
  • Analyze innovative approaches to problem-solving, communication, decision making, and resource allocation
  • Navigate the generational divide by creating “in-common” curiosity among members of the workforce
  • Identify personal leadership strengths for modern talent management
  • Focus on effective techniques in delivering constructive feedback to others
Talent Management & Employee Engagement


There is a difference between a satisfied employee and one who is truly engaged!  What’s the difference?  Have you ever asked yourself, just how many of the employees in my organization are really engaged? If you believe it is about half, you may be overestimating the number.  According to recent studies on employee engagement, a greater percentage of employees in the United States are disengaged than are engaged.  Factors related to strategy and role clarity, job ownership, dysfunctional relationships, ineffective communication, and a lack of trust have been at play in causing such a divide.

And now, disruptive chaos!  Just as progress was being made in addressing the concerns of disengagement, we are forced by unforeseen circumstances, to distance ourselves further from each other and our work.  Lessons and practices for dealing with the present issues are available to managers and leaders.  In this workshop, we will investigate the dynamics of this divide and focus on the new steps for generative action in increasing employee engagement activities for success.

Workshop Objectives

  • Understand that employees are engaged when many different levels of employees are feeling fully involved and enthusiastic about their jobs and their organizations.
  • Identify the willingness and ability of employees to contribute to company success by adding discretionary effort into their work, in the form of extra time, brainpower and energy.
  • Focus on the issues of “virtual separation” and “distancing” to implement sustainable working collaborative employee engagement efforts.
  • Analyze the role of organizational goals and appropriate managerial actions as the committing force for engagement.
  • Integrate new thinking concerning the cultural aspects of true employee engagement
  • Plan for the should, the can and the must do as action steps for modern engagement tactics.
Influence Strategies


Everyone may not have a position of power, but everyone has a position of influence!  In today’s complex organizational life, influencing has become an essential communication skill – managers need to influence more and command less.  Influencing on an individual, team, or organizational level is the new mandate for developing a modern leadership style.

This course helps participants understand what influencing means and how it impacts their effectiveness.  Participants will gain an understanding of their personal motive preferences, the preferences of others, and the application of these dynamics within the context of everyday interaction at work.

Participants Will Learn How To

  • strategically position and plan your influencing efforts
  • recognize your influence preference and the style of others
  • tactically (and tactfully) target your influence approach
  • develop proven influence tactics
  • create your personal game plan for influencing people up, down, across, and outside the organization

Special Course Features

  • In-class assessment of your personal influence motives and how you use the nine key influence tactics to achieve work objectives
  • Audio-visual examples of motive types and influence tactics
  • Case study learning and interaction
  • Action-planning discussions for re-entry to the workplace
Effective Communication Strategies


In today’s competitive business environment, effective communication skills are more critical than ever before.  It is the foundation on which successful careers are built and a crucial component of lasting success. Whether it is a face-to-face conversation or an e-mail exchange, a professional massage involves establishing a connection that leaves a positive impression. This workshop will help participants develop a truly engaging and responsive communication style, leading to positive results for the individual and the organization.

 Participants Will Learn About

  • Communication Styles
  • Barriers to Communication
  • Using the Right Phrases to Communicate What You Intend
  • Effective Listening Skills
  • Responding Appropriately
  • Reading Body Language
  • Asking Questions to Clarify
  • Vocal Emphasis & Visual Listening
  • Depersonalizing a Message
  • Feedback
  • Persuasion
  • Sharing Ideas and Perspectives
  • Disagreeing Constructively
Conflict Resolution


Workplace conflict resolution is critical to the success of the organization and its people as they work together to deliver exceptional service.  A flexible and impactful one-day learning workshop, this seminar is the most cost-effective way to empower your employees to handle the challenges of today’s interdependent workplace.  Participants learn how to use a simple yet powerful communication tool — “Self-Mediation” — to manage the differences that impair teamwork, quality, decision-making, and cooperation throughout your organization.  However, more than just a training seminar, this practical program contains resources for changing organizational culture, surgically altering the norms that so often cause obstructive behavior, and replacing them with constructive, positive behaviors.  This seminar puts the tools of the professional mediator in the hands of every employee to build better workplace relationships.  It is an essential component of every successful organization’s strategic effort.  This workshop takes a practical and actionable approach to provide the answers to not only address the challenges of workplace conflict resolution but to conquer the challenges.  Employees and/or team leaders will be equipped with relevant knowledge and awareness of workplace conflict resolution that will improve personal and team productivity, all the while strengthening the team and its contributions to the overall organization.

Participants Will Learn How To

  • Assess levels of workplace conflicts
  • Identify reflexive behaviors
  • Identify the five elements of the retaliatory cycle
  • Initiate dialogue with a co-worker to solve a workplace conflict
  • State the issue in the conflict in terms that promote cooperation and minimize defensiveness
  • Persuade a reluctant co-worker to participate in dialogue to solve a workplace conflict
  • Describe the necessary features of context (time-and-place environment) that will prevent the failure of dialogue
  • Use techniques for beginning a scheduled dialogue with a co-worker that focuses attention on the issue to be solved and removes obstacles to a successful conclusion
  • Perform essential tasks during a scheduled dialogue that are necessary to produce a shift in attitude from me-against-you to us-against-the-problem
  • Recognize and identify conciliatory gestures that naturally occur during arguments, and to seize the opportunity they present to solve the conflict
  • Form agreements that meet the three criteria that prevent the recurrence of conflict
Leading Change in Modern Times


Welcome to the “new normal unnormal” in managing change.  Just when we thought we had it figured out (not really) or at least we were managing change in a consistent manner…disruption occurs.  The world is not what it was – stable has morphed into dynamic.  Dated models of change and their methods have fallen to the wayside in favor of more continuous processes of dealing with change.  Identifying change upon change, determining the current goals of change, and focusing on the optimal processes required to accomplish change.  How do we move forward?  An intriguing question indeed.

In this comprehensive and high-energy online workshop, we investigate change management practices and examples of successes and failures that resulted.  Toward a more dynamic model of implementing change-driven efforts, we seek to understand the business (political, economic, etc.) and behavioral (social, environmental, etc.) aspects of the “new normal unnormal” adaptations of required change management.  In summary, this workshop is not just about focusing on another model for change, but a more progressive call for leaders and managers to communicate and execute on a plan of action in such endeavors.

Workshop Objectives: 

  • Focus on the aspects of managing change in the “new normal unnormal”
  • Gain knowledge of existing and more progressive change management models
  • Apply new knowledge by choosing leadership actions in influencing others successfully
  • Analyze the various leader-based behaviors for successful management of the emotional side of change efforts
  • Assess the next steps for leadership communication and action
Leading Teams to High Performance


In this highly participative and energized learning program, participants will discover and apply some of the most critical concepts in leading and working in teams – virtual or face-to-face.  All attendees will engage in self-discovery, small group activities that provide opportunities to solve problems together, analyze processes, debrief “hits and misses” in communication and reflect on how to apply this knowledge back at the workplace.  Drawing from the resources of High-Performance Workplace (HPW) research, Lencioni’s Five Dysfunctions of a Team, and Runde and Flanagan’s Building Competent Teams, participants will gain a clear understanding of team building for high performance and how it can benefit individuals, teams and the organization.


Participants Will Learn To:


  • Understand the style/capabilities of self/others as team members
  • How to elicit and appreciate input from all members of a team
  • Effective personal listening and communication skills
  • Ways to address conflicting ideas among team members
  • How to manage emotions in a team environment
  • How to build trust among teams
  • Simulate teamwork in various work situations
  • Develop ways to sync team performance to organizational vision, mission and goals

Unique Session Attributes:

  • Activities, activities, activities
  • Team forming, storming, and norming toolsTeam case discussion, problem-solving, and debrief
  • Linkage to organization goals and objectives
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To find out more about our Corporate Education Programs, fill out the form below and a Stetson Pace team member will reach out to you to discuss your interest.