Meditations of Life and Death: Kimberly Riner

Hand Art Center 139 E. Michigan Ave., DeLand, FL, United States

Featuring Statesboro, GA, based artist, Kimberly Riner. Riner’s current body of work serves as a commentary on the self-admiration running rampant in our society. 

Visual Symphony

Hand Art Center 139 E. Michigan Ave., DeLand, FL, United States

Beaux Arts of Central Florida exhibition featuring Jean Banas, Peggy Banks, Carson Kapp, N.C. Hagood, Kelly Baston Howard, Katty Smith, Carolyn Land, Gail Bokar, Robert Shirk, Lillian Verkins, Eliza Midget, Mindy Colton, Marilyn Leverton, Renee Lewis, Dominique Dubois, George Stewart, Jules Silver, Kerri lppolito, Grace Senior Morente, Jennifer Payne, P.Z. Thompson, Tracy Lupanow, Sharon LaDue, and Christine Broussard