Stetson’s National Clearinghouse for Science, Technology and the Law to speak about forensic evidence in Dallas

Contact Diane Gustafson
Clearinghouse Coordinator

Tampa Bay, Fla. – The National Clearinghouse for Science Technology and the Law at Stetson University College of Law will review forensic evidence resources and provide an update on the Clearinghouse at the International Association for Identification’s 90th International Educational Conference at the Adam’s Mark Hotel and Conference Center, Austin Ballroom 2, at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, Aug. 11.

Clearinghouse Deputy Director Gregory Hill will lead the program. Hill is a member of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, International Homicide Investigators Association, and a former Tampa police officer. He has extensive jury trial experience involving forensic evidence cases, including death penalty cases in Florida. He works with the National Forensic Science and Technology Center on developing a DNA Mock Trial for President George W. Bush’s DNA Initiative.

The Clearinghouse encourages scientific, technological and legal communities to share resources in the interest of justice.

“We look forward to providing even more services to the legal, scientific and law enforcement communities,” said Carol Henderson, Clearinghouse director.

Under Henderson’s direction, Stetson’s National Clearinghouse, a program of the National Institute of Justice, was formed in 2003 to advance the use of science and technology in the law. The Clearinghouse provides a comprehensive online database of legal and scientific research and educates lawyers, judges and law enforcement personnel about new developments in forensic technology and forensic evidence handling in the courts.

For more information on additional National Clearinghouse programs, please call (727) 562-7316 or visit them on the Web at