September 29- Stetson Law secretary retiring this week after 48 years Dorothy Bishop has worked at the College of Law since 1956

Contact Frank Klim
Executive Director of Communications
(727) 562-7889

Gulfport, Fla. – Dorothy Bishop’s official title is executive assistant to the dean, but for 48 years, she has served as unofficial campus historian and many would say the behind-the-scenes glue that has held the College of Law together. This week, Stetson Law will lose one of its treasures as Bishop retires on Thursday.

“You have to like the place where you work, and everyone here is so friendly and that’s made the time here go too fast,” Bishop said.

There will be a reception honoring Bishop’s time and devotion to the law school Thursday at
4 p.m. in Stetson’s Mann Lounge.

“It’s very rare these days for a person to spend her entire career at one place. Ms. Bishop has dedicated her professional life to Stetson, and she will always be remembered as a true Stetson treasure. We will miss her very much,” Dean Dickerson said.

Bishop has seen many changes across campus. She has served six deans, and she knew Dean Emeritus Bruce Jacob when he was a student among the first classes at the Gulfport campus. From the building and later closing of the Dana Library, to the opening of the Tampa Law Center, Bishop has been at Stetson Law.

“She is a great employee, a wonderful person. She’s really just the best, they don’t come any better,” Dean Jacob said.

Connie Evans, director of faculty support, had similar thoughts, “She is just a perfect lady.”

After graduating high school, Dorothy Bishop set out to find a job. Her first ever interview, gained with the help of a local employment agency, was with the College of Law. Bishop was hired on the spot for $35 a week.

“Everything just kind of fell in my lap,” Bishop said. “I’m just thankful that I had an opportunity to work here. I really loved every minute of it. I’m thankful for the years they let me stay here.”