October 28- Stetson Law group seeking to help with holiday cheer for indigent adults

Contact Frank Klim
Executive Director of Communications
(727) 562-7889

Gulfport, Fla. – Instead of making a list and checking it twice for gifts for family and friends, a group of Stetson University College of Law students is looking to play Santa for a typically neglected group – indigent, incapacitated seniors who are under guardianship in Pinellas County.

Stetson’s Elder Law Society is sponsoring Elves for Elders, a gift drive to provide basic items for this forgotten group. Beginning Monday, Nov. 1, holiday trees with elf tag ornaments will be located at Stetson’s Gulfport campus, 1401 61st St. S., and at the St. Petersburg Judicial Building lobby, 545 1st Ave. N. The back of each tag will include labels completed by guardians with the needs of their wards. Donors can pull the tags, purchase gifts, and place them under the tree to be delivered.

“By giving just a little bit extra this season, we hope to make the holidays bright for disadvantaged seniors,” said Lee Carr, Stetson Law student and vice president of the Elder Law Society. “Many people will be surprised at the basic needs of these seniors.”

Some desired items include necessities such as bed linens, toiletries, clothing, and reading and writing materials.

“There are others in our community with no family and without a donation would go without gifts this season,” Carr said. “To make certain they have gifts to open, people give to needy children during the holidays, but the elderly are often neglected. It is these people, many with no money and no family, who go without the basics many of us take for granted.”