Chief Defense Department treaty negotiator to speak at Stetson Law

Contact Aaron Reincheld
Communications Specialist

Gulfport, Fla. – Col. Guy Roberts, U.S. Marines (Ret.), acting deputy assistant secretary of defense and principal director of negotiations policy for the Department of Defense, will speak at Stetson University College of Law at noon on Tuesday, Jan. 18. Col. Roberts will address the Proliferation Security Initiative, a top priority of the current Bush administration.

As deputy head of the U.S. Delegation to the Biological Weapons Convention, Col. Roberts is involved with formulating national policies for nuclear, biological, chemical and conventional arms control negotiations and halting the proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. He also oversees defense department participation in obtaining agreements to ensure U.S. nationals are not subject to the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court.

Col. Roberts served as associate counsel for arms control in the Department of the Navy and is a former Joint Staff representative to both biological warfare and nuclear arms and disarmament issues at the United Nations, the Conference on Disarmament and the International Atomic Energy Agency. He has negotiated a number of arms agreements, and one of his current projects is the International Bio Warfare Convention.

Col. Roberts had a distinguished 25-year career with the Marine Corps serving in a variety of military and legal positions before retiring with the rank of Colonel. These included service as a platoon and company commander, prosecutor and defense attorney, claims officer and legal adviser on diverse international law issues.

The speech is free and open to the public. For more information contact Stetson’s Office for Graduate and International Programs at 727-562-7849.