Judge Stringer Youth Pre-Law Conference scheduled at Stetson University College of Law

Contact Frank Klim
Executive Director of Communications

Gulfport, Fla. – The Judge Thomas Stringer Youth Pre-Law Conference will honor the achievements of the first black graduate of Stetson University College of Law and encourage minority students to pursue higher education and the legal profession. The program is set to begin at 10 a.m. Feb. 4 in the Carey and Florin Courtroom of Stetson’s Gulfport campus.

Stetson has teamed with local high schools for the conference to mark National Minority Law Student Recruitment Month.

“Stetson University College of Law is committed to increasing opportunity for students of all backgrounds to pursue the dream of a legal education. We are working hard to increase the number of people from underrepresented minority groups in its student body,” said Assistant Dean of Admissions Pamela Coleman. “We want to send a strong message that they are encouraged to attend law school.”

During the conference, Stetson deans, professors and students will tell visitors about the experience of entering law school. There will be a mock trial led by Stetson’s nationally ranked trial team.

Judge Thomas E. Stringer Sr. will speak to the students. Stringer graduated from Stetson in 1974. After graduation, Stringer served in private practice, the Hillsborough County Court and the 13th Judicial Circuit Court. Gov. Jeb Bush appointed Judge Stringer to Florida’s Second District Court of Appeal in 1999.

The day is sponsored by the Admissions Office, the Stetson chapters of the Black Law Students Association, Hispanic Bar Association and American Bar Association. National Minority Law Recruitment Month is funded with a grant from the Law School Admission Council to raise awareness of minority recruiting issues facing law schools.