Stetson to present a variety of summer youth programs at Tampa Law Center

Contact Frank Klim
Executive Director of Communications

Gulfport, Fla. – Stetson University will offer several fun educational summer programs for High Achieving Talented Students in grades four through nine at the Tampa Law Center starting June 20. The deadline for registration is June 1.

The programs will cover many subjects, including Rock ‘N’ Roller Coasters (physics), Legos and Hardhats (math and architecture), On the Air (broadcasting) and Legal Eagles (law). The classes will run from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. June 20-24. Registration information is available online at or by calling (386) 822-7091.

This is the second year summer programs will be offered at the Tampa Law Center, 1700 N. Tampa St., in Tampa. Stetson University has offered summer learning programs for gifted students around its main campus in DeLand since 1996 under the direction of HATS founder Cindy Lovell Oliver, Ph.D.

HATS Tampa Programs

HATS I (Grades 4-6)
Rock ‘N’ Roller Coasters, TAM-101
This course will connect Isaac Newton with theme parks. Students will learn acceleration and velocity to gain knowledge and build and test their own roller coasters.

Legos and Hardhats, TAM-102
Students will explore mathematics from concrete to abstract and work in teams to design and construct an entire city of buildings from Legos. Using math concepts such as scale, proportion and ratio, students will convert their Lego buildings to scale drawings. The buildings will have to conform to a budget, incorporating sales tax and discounts.

HATS II (Grades 6-9)
On the Air, TAM-201
This course will cover the inner workings of radio and television broadcasting. Students will write, direct, record and broadcast a radio show at the local Radio Disney station, WWMI 1380 AM.

Is There a Doctor in the House? TAM-202
Students will spend a week learning from specialists from different areas of the medical field. They will learn CPR and take a private tour of Tampa General Hospital.

Comparative Anatomy, TAM-203
For one week, students will become investigative scientists, exploring the Kingdom Animalia. They will discuss, dissect, draw and compare the various parts of snakes, starfish and mice.

Legal Eagles, TAM-204
Students will learn from a Stetson Law professor and former state prosecutor about how to make their case as they learn the law and how to argue it. They will learn the law in a week filled with evidence, depositions and case law, culminating with a mock trial.

The cost is $250 per student per one-week class, which includes class materials and a T-shirt.