Stetson Law moot court team wins top brief award at Florida Bar competition

Contact Aaron Reincheld
Communications Specialist

Gulfport, Fla. – A Stetson University College of Law moot court team won the Best Brief Award, the top award for a written submission, at the Florida Bar’s Robert Orseck Moot Court Competition last week in Orlando at the Bar’s annual conference.

Also, for five consecutive years, a Stetson team has advanced to the finals in the competition. Students Royce Bluitt and Reneka Redmond argued before Florida Supreme Court justices and district court judges in the finals. For the third straight year, Stetson’s team placed second. Team member Alyson George wrote the award-winning brief.

“I am very proud that we won the Best Brief award, one of the top three awards in any competition,” said Stetson Law Professor Stephanie Vaughan, who advises the moot court board. “The competition was very exciting, and we had a great group of people, including Dean Darby Dickerson, cheering us in the finals.”

Eighteen teams from nine Florida law schools competed in the tournament. A team from Florida Coastal School of Law defeated the Stetson team in the finals.