The Florida Bar honors Stetson Law with two professionalism awards

Contact Aaron Reincheld
Communications Specialist

Gulfport, Fla. – The Florida Bar honored Stetson University College of Law with two professionalism awards at its annual meeting June 23 in Orlando.

“The Bar’s professionalism awards honor a higher level of conduct that the college is proud to represent,” said Dean Darby Dickerson. The Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism and the Florida Bar’s Standing Committee on Professionalism selected the award recipients.

Stetson Law’s Centers for Excellence in Advocacy and Elder Law received the 2005 Professionalism Award for their Elder Law Ethics Video Project. Professor Roberta Flowers, director of the advocacy center, received this year’s Faculty Award for Professionalism.

“Stetson prides itself on training ethical and professional attorneys, and I feel very lucky to be part of a faculty committed to training students to become both effective lawyers and professional advocates,” Flowers said.

Flowers was recently named Stetson’s first William Reece Smith Jr. Distinguished Professor of Law, a position designed to foster professionalism among students. Under Flowers’ direction, Stetson’s advocacy program tied for first in the nation in the 2006 graduate school rankings from U.S. News & World Report.

The series of 15 educational videos produced by the advocacy and elder law centers encourage professionalism by illustrating how elder law students, attorneys and judges can deal successfully with ethical issues in the real world.

“We are honored to receive this award,” said Professor Rebecca Morgan, who directs the elder law center. “Real-world vignettes and an audience response system engage the audience in a discussion of ethical and professional behavior while illustrating the most professional approach to day-to-day ethical problems faced by elder law attorneys.”

Morgan also received the Faculty Award for Professionalism in 2003.