Rutgers Law professor to deliver distinguished lecture at Stetson Law

Contact Brandi Palmer
Communications Specialist

Gulfport, Fla. – Rutgers law professor Jay M. Feinman will deliver the Nichols Foundation Prominent Speaker Lecture at 12 p.m. on Sept. 12 at Stetson University College of Law.

Feinman will discuss his recent book, “Un-Making Law: The Conservative Campaign to Roll Back the Common Law,” at noon in the Great Hall on the Gulfport campus.

“Professor Feinman continues the tradition of excellence as this year’s prominent speaker,” said Darby Dickerson, Stetson Law dean.

Feinman has served as associate dean and acting dean of the Rutgers School of Law where he teaches contracts, torts and insurance law. Feinman is a member of the American Law Institute, and he has chaired the Association of American Law Schools, sections on contracts and teaching methods. He has received numerous awards for excellence in teaching, including the Lindback Foundation Award for Distinguished Teaching in 2005 and the Warren I. Susman Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2004. In addition, Feinman has published five books and more than 50 scholarly articles.

The Nichols Foundation Prominent Speakers Series was established in 1995 to enrich academic life at Stetson Law. Previous lectures have included prominent business leaders, government officials, legal scholars and practitioners.