Stetson Law dean elected to board of legal writing society

Contact Brandi Palmer
Communications Specialist

Tampa Bay, Fla. – Darby Dickerson, dean and vice president of Stetson University College of Law, has been elected to the board of Scribes, the prestigious national society for legal writers.

Dean Dickerson is nationally recognized for her legal research and writing. Dickerson has written dozens of academic articles and penned the popular ALWD Citation Manual, which is used by more than 50 percent of first-year law students in the United States.

In June, Dickerson won the 2005 Burton Award for Outstanding Contributions to Legal Writing Education. In August, she was named Tampa Bay Business Woman of the Year in the nonprofit category by the Tampa Bay Business Journal.

In 2003, she was named managing editor of Legal Writing: The Journal of the Legal Writing Institute and was invited to serve on the panel of academic contributors for the eighth edition of Black’s Law Dictionary. She has worked with Scribes for many years, and from 1992 –1994 served as managing editor of the Scribes Journal of Legal Writing.

Scribes was established in 1953 to promote better writing across the legal community. The organization brings together lawyers, judges, academics, publishers and editors and advocates accessible, interesting and informative legal writing.