Stetson and Brigham Young present debate on gay adoption issues

Contact Brandi Palmer
Communications Specialist

Tampa Bay, Fla. – Stetson University College of Law and the J. Reuben Clark Law School at Brigham Young University will present a symposium on the future of lesbian and gay adoption, Oct. 28 at the Tampa Law Center, 1700 N. Tampa St.

The program is titled, “Lofton and the future of lesbian and gay adoption.” Last year, in Lofton v. Secretary of the Department of Children and Family Services, an appellate court ruled that a prohibition on such adoptions does not violate the U.S. Constitution. The U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal.

“Some people see a rejection of gay and lesbian adoption as a violation of basic rights. Others view the issue as one of protecting traditional values. This tension of fundamental values makes the issue so important to discuss at this time,” said Stetson Professor Michael Allen, who is co-chair of the symposium.

The day-long program will review constitutional implications, psychological and sociological issues and the implications in other areas of the law.

The conference is $25 for general attendees and $125 for CLE participants. To register, please call Professor Michael Allen at Stetson, 727-562-7360, or email him at [email protected].