Stetson Law trial team wins statewide November competition

Contact Brandi Palmer
Communications Specialist

Gulfport, Fla. – A student trial team at Stetson University College of Law won both first and second place at the Academy of Florida Trial Lawyers 2005 Honorable E. Earle Zehmer Memorial Mock Trial Competition Nov. 13 in West Palm Beach.

Law schools from across the state of Florida competed.

“We faced Florida State and Florida Coastal in the semi-finals. When both Stetson teams won their respective rounds, we faced each other in the finals,” said Professor Lee Coppock, director of the trial team program at Stetson.

The student team of Senovia Lance, Art Rios, Brandon Held, Rosa Brown and Dennis McCarthy defeated the other Stetson team of Andrew Hill, Laurie Sharpe, Bethany Allen, Eric Ochotorena and Melanie Andre in the final round of AFTL competition.

Stetson Law has earned more first place wins in the AFTL competition history than all other Florida law schools combined.