Stetson Law and Florida Holocaust Museum present “Legacy of the Nuremberg Trials” March 30

Contact Brandi Palmer
Communications Specialist

Tampa Bay, Fla. – Stetson University College of Law and the Florida Holocaust Museum will present “Legacy of the Nuremberg Trials: Genesis of Modern International Law & Questions of Professional Ethics” at 7 p.m. on March 30 at the museum, 55 Fifth St. S., St. Petersburg, Fla.

“The goal of the program is to start a public dialogue about the importance of Nuremberg, and to engage people in thinking about justice, law, the preservation of the legacy of the trials, and what this legacy means to the 21st century,” said Florida Holocaust Museum Director of Curatorial Affairs Noreen Brand.

An exhibit entitled “Pursuing Justice: Nuremberg’s Legacy” opened at the museum in December. The exhibit focuses on the two sets of trials that have become known as the Nuremberg Trials: the International Military Tribunal for the major Nazi war criminals and the twelve subsequent trials conducted under Control Council Number 10 at the U.S. Nuremberg Military Tribunal for those not tried at the IMT. The IMT set the pattern for the subsequent trials as well as hundreds of trials of war criminals tried in the decades since 1945.

This exhibit, featuring the papers and books of Judge Harold L. Sebring, a judge at the Nuremberg Tribunal and former Florida State Supreme Court Judge and Dean of Stetson University College of Law, will be open at 6 p.m. at the Florida Holocaust Museum. Judge Sebring’s collection is on loan from the Stetson Law library.

The seminar brings together a panel of legal scholars to discuss the significance of the trials. Stetson Professor Dorothea Beane will introduce the program. Beane is an expert on international criminal law and human rights issues.

The panel of speakers includes:

  • Jonathan Bush, expert on the law of war and law professor, Columbia University
  • John Q. Barrett, Nuremberg scholar and law professor, St. John’s University School of Law
  • Edward Kissi, leading genocide scholar and professor, Africana Studies, the University of South Florida
  • Michael J. Bazyler, The “1939” Club Law Scholar in Holocaust and Human Rights Studies and law professor, Whittier Law School
  • Gregory S. Gordon, trial attorney, Office of Special Investigations, U.S. Dept. of Justice, who served in the Office of the Prosecutor for the International Criminal Tribunal of Rwanda

To register for this seminar, please contact the Continuing Legal Education office at Stetson Law by March 29 at 813-228-0226 or [email protected]

Editor’s Note: Journalists are invited to attend this seminar free of tuition.

For more info on Professor Dorothea Beane, please visit here.
Visit the Florida Holocaust Museum at