Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy editor speaks at Stetson Law March 2

Contact Brandi Palmer
Communications Specialist

Gulfport, Fla. – Dr. William C.G. Burns, editor-in-chief of the Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy, will discuss “The International Whaling Commission and Climate Change: Leviathan or Laggard?” at 12:15 p.m. and again at 5 p.m. on March 2 in Classroom A at the Stetson University College of Law Gulfport campus, 1401 61st St. S.

Stetson University College of Law will begin hosting the Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy during the fall semester 2006.

“Stetson students will have an opportunity to earn academic credit by working as student editors on this peer-reviewed journal,” said Stetson Law Professor Royal Gardner.

Gardner directs Stetson’s Institute for Biodiversity Law and Policy, which serves as an interdisciplinary focal point for education, research, and service activities related to global, regional, and local biodiversity issues.
The Institute is an environmental law resource that sponsors guest lecturers, conferences, and competitions, as well as promoting biodiversity-related academic programs and service opportunities.

To learn more about the Institute and upcoming programs, please visit Stetson on the Web at

To learn more about the Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy, visit