Stetson’s trial team wins the regional ATLA

Contact Brandi Palmer
Communications Specialist

Gulfport, Fla. – Stetson University College of Law’s trial team won the regional Association of Trial Lawyers Association competition in Atlanta this month.

The student trial team of Cameron Croft, Brandon Held, Dennis McCarthy and Susan Gregory defeated a team from Wake Forest in the final round of competitions. Sixteen teams from Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina competed.

“The Stetson team performed outstandingly well in this regional competition,” said Professor Lee Coppock, who directs the trial team program at Stetson. “I have no doubt that they will prove a force to be reckoned with at the national level as well.”

The Stetson team travels to Miami at the end of March for the national ATLA competition.

In January, a team of Stetson students won the Chester Bedell Memorial Trial Competition in Miami. It was Stetson’s 16th win in the history of the competition. Stetson’s student team of Arturo Rios, Angie Torrents, Senovia Lance and Ruel Smith defeated Florida State University’s team in the final round.

Stetson has earned a national reputation for excellence in trial advocacy, ranking first in the specialty by the 2006 edition of the U.S. News & World Report of best graduate schools.