Stetson promotes administrators

Contact Brandi Palmer
Communications Specialist

Gulfport, Fla. – Laura Zuppo-Headley has been promoted to director of admissions and Michael Farley has been promoted to director of student life at Stetson University College of Law.

Zuppo-Headley, a native of Philadelphia, began working at Stetson Law in April 2001 as assistant director of admissions. Before joining Stetson, she was assistant director of admissions at Keller Graduate School.

“In the new position, I look forward to continuing to build Stetson’s commitment to diversity, not only by including more ethnic and racial diversity in our prospective student pool, but also by reaching more applicants from other states,” said Zuppo-Headley.

Zuppo-Headley holds a master’s in business administration from Keller Graduate School of management and a bachelor’s in sociology from Cedar Crest College, where she graduated magna cum laude. She serves on the Law School Admissions Council Advisory Board for Admit-M software, is a member of the National Association of Female Executives, the American Association of University Women and the National Association of Graduate Admissions Professionals. Each year in her spare time, Zuppo-Headley organizes a team to raise money for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation’s annual Walk for the Cure.

Michael Farley joined the law school as associate director of student life in 2005. Prior to coming to Stetson, he was assistant dean of student services at the University of Florida, director of alumni services at Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity headquarters and coordinator of student affairs at the University of South Florida.

“This position will first and foremost allow me to interact with Stetson students in a significant way,” said Farley. “As director, I will be able to meet the new students at day one at orientation and be part of their lives during their three years of education here at Stetson. We’ll do this by encouraging their co-curricular involvement in leadership programming, student organizations and pro bono service activities.”

Farley received his master’s degree in higher education administration from Indiana University in 1994 and his bachelor’s degree in public relations from the University of Florida, where he was named the 1992 “Outstanding Male Graduate.” He has been a state and national leader in the Association of Fraternity Advisors, the National Association of Campus Activities and the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators.