Stetson Law professional program wins American Bar Association award

Contact Brandi Palmer
Communications Specialist

Gulfport, Fla. – Stetson University College of Law has won the American Bar Association’s E. Smythe Gambrell Professionalism Award for its Leadership Development Program.

The Leadership Development Program offers regular workshops taught by judges, professors, attorneys and leadership training specialists that help students hone the skills that they will need to become successful community leaders.

“Stetson strives to train not only outstanding lawyers, but leaders in the Bar and greater community,” said Vice President and Dean Darby Dickerson. “Our leadership program allows students to gain valuable information and skills that enhance their classroom experience and that give them a head start in the profession.”

Program topics and titles have ranged from “Professionalism in the Workplace” and “Civility In and Out of the Courtroom” to “Persuasive Oral Communication Skills” and “Suiting Up for Success.” This year’s programs have featured chair of the ABA American Jury Project Patricia Lee Refo, Florida 2nd District Court of Appeals Judge E.J. Salcines and U.S. District Judge James Whittemore, former Florida State Senator John Grant and Stetson Law Professors Lee Coppock, Roberta Flowers and Charles Rose. An average of 150 students participated in each program, and 33 individuals to date have graduated with the Stetson Leadership Development Certificate.

The award, honoring excellence and commitment to professionalism, will be presented Aug. 4 in Hawaii during the ABA’s annual meeting. Stetson is one of three national recipients of this year’s award. Stetson Law Director of Student Life Michael Farley will accept the honor, which includes a certificate and $3500 in cash. The stipend will be used to fund future programs, including bringing keynote speakers to campus for annual leadership retreats, Farley said.