Stetson student arbitration teams win regional ABA competition in Miami

Contact Brandi Palmer
Communications Specialist

Gulfport, Fla. – Student arbitration teams from Stetson University College of Law won both first and second place at the ABA Law Student Division Regional Arbitration Competition Oct. 14-15 in Miami.

Two teams from Stetson Law beat out competitors from the University of Alabama School of Law and Cumberland School of Law in the semi-finals. The winning Stetson teams competed in the finals against one another.

Stetson Professor Kelly Feeley coached the winning teams with Professor Roberta Flowers, director of the Center for Excellence in Advocacy.

The Stetson student team of Stacy Appleton, Curtis Hutchinson, Jason Martell and Rachael Wood took first place and the team of Megan Lattz, Shannon McMahon, Sarah Olsen and Stu Weissman placed second in the competition.

Both Stetson teams will compete next month in Texas at the National Arbitration Competition.

Student Jennifer Cowan helped prepare the teams.