Stetson student Client Skills Board Negotiation team wins regionals in Ft. Lauderdale

Contact Brandi Palmer
Communications Specialist

Gulfport, Fla. – A Stetson student Client Skills Board Negotiation team from Stetson University College of Law won first place at the Regional ABA Law Student Division’s Negotiation Competition in Ft. Lauderdale Nov. 5.

The winning team of Stetson students Kelly Van Wey and Jossy Dieguez will head to a national competition in February. Twenty-four teams competed.

Stetson Law Professor Catherine Cameron coached the Stetson student teams at the competition at Nova Southeastern University Law Center.

“This competition provides a great opportunity for students to hone their negotiation skills,” said Professor Cameron. “I am very proud that each of the teams we sent to the competition placed and that our winning team is on their way to the nationals.”

Stetson sent three teams to the competition. Additionally, the team of David Ganderton and Amy Kiser placed third and the team of Emily Morgan and Doug Goldin placed sixth in competition.

For more information about the competition, please visit the ABA web site at