Southwestern Law School in Los Angeles wins International Environmental Moot Court Competition at Stetson Law

Contact Brandi Palmer
Communications Specialist

Gulfport, Fla. – A team of students from Southwestern Law School in Los Angeles are the winners of the 11th annual International Environmental Moot Court Competition at Stetson University College of Law. The final rounds of competition were held Nov. 8-11.

More than 60 teams competed worldwide in regional competitions for a chance to come to the international finals at Stetson. Teams gathered at Stetson Law from Australia, Brazil, India, the Philippines and the United States. This year’s winners from Southwestern Law School in Los Angeles, CA defeated a team from the University of Technology in Sydney, Australia.

“I was very impressed with the students’ advocacy skills and knowledge of international law,” said Professor Royal C. Gardner, who heads the Institute for Biodiversity Law and Policy at Stetson Law.

The final round of competition at Stetson was judged by Dr. Wil Burns, editor-in-chief of the Journal of International Wildlife and Policy, Birgit Van Hout, executive director of Community Tampa Bay, and William Thomas, chair of the ABA International Environmental Law Committee.