Stetson student arbitration team becomes new national champion at ABA competition

Contact Brandi Palmer
Communications Specialist

Tampa Bay, Fla. – Stetson University College of Law’s team of Megan Lattz, Shannon McMahon, Sarah Olsen and Stuart Weissman won the American Bar Association Law Student Division National Arbitration Competition in Austin, Texas Nov. 18.

The Stetson student team beat a team from Texas Tech University School of Law and last year’s national champs from the University of Texas School of Law.

A second team of Stetson students performed well during the preliminary rounds of competition.

“This win was such an incredible accomplishment for our teams,” said Professor Kelly Feeley, who helped prepare the teams with Professor Roberta Flowers, director of Stetson’s Center for Excellence in Advocacy. “Each team member performed with such grace, talent and professionalism that we could not have been any prouder. The new national champions represent this year’s top professional and ethical student advocates.”

During competition, the student arbitration teams prepare and present opening statements, witness examinations, exhibit introductions, evidentiary presentations and summations. Stetson’s arbitration teams include members of the Client Skills Board, Trial Team and Moot Court.

For more information about the competition, please visit the ABA web site at