Judge Stringer continues to be role model for young people

Contact Brandi Palmer
Communications Specialist

Tampa, Fla. – Judge Thomas E. Stringer Sr., a celebrated jurist with Florida’s Second District Court of Appeal, repeatedly inspires countless young people to follow their dreams of pursuing a legal career. Stetson University College of Law’s first African-American law graduate continues the tradition Feb. 16 as he meets with minority high-school students at Stetson’s Tampa Law Center at 1700 N. Tampa St.

The Judge Stringer Youth Prelaw Conference, now in its seventh year, is part of Stetson’s celebration of Black History Month. The youth conference will feature a mock trial in Stetson’s William Reece Smith Jr. Courtroom.

“Early intervention is crucial to drop out prevention,” said Admissions Director Laura Zuppo. “By allowing young people to view life on a college campus, we hope to inspire them to pursue college degrees and a legal education.”

Stetson’s Admissions Office, the Black Law Student Association and the ABA Law Student Division will sponsor the annual event, which is made possible by a grant from the Law School Admissions Council.

Students from Middleton High School and Tampa Bay Academy of Hope are expected to attend.