Stetson Law hosts premier conference on law and higher education

Contact Brandi Palmer
Communications Specialist

Gulfport, Fla. – Stetson University College of Law hosts the 28th National Conference on Higher Education, Feb. 17-21 at the Sheraton Sand Key Resort, 1160 Gulf Blvd., on Clearwater Beach, Fla.

The conference for higher education administrators and attorneys presents current legal issues in higher education.

The topics of this year’s law and higher education discussions and workshops include:

  • Free expression and hate speech on campuses
  • Emerging issues for students with disabilities
  • The legacy of the civil rights movement
  • Faculty rights and protected works
  • Federal immigration law and compliance
  • Accountability of administrators
  • Tort law and recreation, sports and field trips
  • Hazing cases
  • Campus sexual assault
  • Emergency management
  • Managing economic crises
  • Nondiscrimination law and employment implications

Presenters from around the country include:

  • Joan VanTol, corporate counsel for the Law School Admission Council.
  • Dr. Gwen Dungy, executive director of the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators.
  • Ted Shaw, director-counsel and president of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund Inc.
  • USF Professor Raymond Arsenault, author of Freedom Riders.
  • Conference Chair and Stetson Law Professor Robert Bickel who co-authored the Rights and Responsibilities of the Modern University: Who Assumes the Risks of College Life? with Stetson Law Professor Peter Lake.

To register for this event, please contact the Office of Conferences and Events at Stetson at 813-228-0226, e-mail [email protected] or visit

To learn more about upcoming higher education programs at Stetson, please visit the Center on the web at or call 727-562-7392.

The mission of the Center for Excellence in Higher Education Law and Policy is to advance the field of higher education law and policy by:

  • conducting quality research and producing outstanding scholarship in the area of higher education law and policy
  • presenting interdisciplinary conferences and special programs in areas affecting higher education law and policy and by
  • forging productive relationships with other organizations devoted to the advancement of law and higher education both within the United States and throughout the world.