Stetson Law student mediation team wins ABA competition

Contact Brandi Palmer
Communications Specialist

Tampa Bay, Fla. – A team of students from Stetson University College of Law won the ABA Section of Dispute Resolution Regional Representation in Mediation Competition at Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Conn., on March 4.

The student team of Jason Martell and Emily Morgan beat a team from Roger Williams University. The team heads to a national competition in Washington, D.C., April 25-27.

A second team of students Sarah Olsen and Rob Varkonyi also competed.

“I was very impressed with our teams’ preparation, talent and professionalism,” said Professor Kelly Feeley, who coached the student teams.

There were eight teams competing from around the country in this regional competition. In all, 192 students compete from 49 schools in 10 regional competitions for a chance at making it to the nationals.

To learn more about the mediation competitions, visit the ABA online at