Stetson Law co-sponsors program on special needs trust administration in Clearwater in April

Contact Brandi Palmer
Communications Specialist

Tampa Bay, Fla. – The Center for Excellence in Elder Law at Stetson University College of Law and the Center for Special Needs Trusts will co-sponsor a continuing legal education program, “The Nuts and Bolts of Special Needs Trusts Administration,” April 27-28 at the Marriott Suites, 1201 Gulf Blvd., Clearwater Beach.

The program is targeted at financial planners, money managers and others involved in the administration of special needs trusts.

Topics include analyzing incoming special needs trusts; budgeting, counseling and investing; preserving principal versus quality of life; issues in administration; delivery of services and management; and case management.

The Center for Excellence in Elder Law at Stetson was established to provide a framework for activity concerning legal issues and the elderly.

The Center for Special Needs Trust Administration Inc. is a not-for-profit corporation focused on the administration of special needs trusts with the sole mission of providing comprehensive services to the entire community of people with disabilities.

For information about registering for this event, visit the Office of Conferences and Events at Stetson on the web at, e-mail [email protected] or phone 813-228-0226.

Editor’s Note: Journalists are encouraged to RSVP to the Office of Conferences and Events at Stetson.