Stetson Law helps develop lecture series- Biodiversity and Climate Change May 22 at the Mahaffey Theater

Contact Brandi Palmer
Communications Specialist

Gulfport, Fla. – Nobel Prize nominee and Inuit leader Sheila Watt-Cloutier speaks on “Biodiversity and Climate Change” May 22 at 7 p.m. at the Mahaffey Theatre in St. Petersburg. The lecture is part of a series developed by Stetson University College of Law’s Institute for Biodiversity Law and Policy, Friends of the United Nations, the WHALE Center Global Healing Initiative and the Mahaffey Theater at Progress Energy for the Arts.

Watt-Cloutier filed a petition before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights alleging that the United States’ failure to regulate greenhouse gas emissions violated Inuit cultural and environmental human rights. Her lecture will discuss the impact of global warming on Arctic culture and wildlife.

Professor Royal C. Gardner, who leads Stetson’s Institute for Biodiversity Law and Policy, will moderate a panel following the lecture.

The lecture is part of “Speak! St. Pete: A Celebration of United Nations International Days.”

Tickets are available for purchase at the Mahaffey Theater via the web at or by calling the box office at 727-892-5767.

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