Stetson creates new institute to build relationships with Caribbean legal community

Contact Brandi Palmer
Communications Specialist

Gulfport, Fla. – Stetson University College of Law has created the Institute on Caribbean Law and Policy to foster academic, scholarly and professional exchanges with the Caribbean legal community.

Stetson professors Dorothea Beane and Darryl Wilson will co-direct the new institute.

Stetson created the new institute to help build meaningful partnerships with law schools and professional legal organizations throughout the Caribbean, including the Caribbean Council on Legal Education and the Caribbean bar associations.

The institute’s mission is to provide a scholarly, professional foundation that will help coordinate beneficial activities for law students, faculty and the bar associations in the U.S. and throughout the Caribbean. The institute also will seek to develop new programs for law students at Stetson and at Caribbean law schools.

Planned activities include educational exchanges, training, development, certifications and employment opportunities. Stetson also is planning to offer a two-week intersession program each January in the Caribbean.

The institute will oversee Stetson’s participation in the American Caribbean Law Initiative, a consortium of schools from the U.S. and the West Indies that Stetson hosted in the fall of 2007. Both Beane and Wilson are board members of the American Caribbean Law Initiative.