Stetson Law names military law scholar new advocacy center director

Contact Brandi Palmer
Communications Specialist

Gulfport, Fla. – Professor Charles H. Rose, military law scholar and former judge’s advocate, has been named as the new director of Stetson University College of Law’s nationally recognized Center for Excellence in Advocacy.

Rose’s new duties include sponsoring national advocacy programs for attorneys, law professors and law students, and coordinating the activities of Stetson’s award-winning advocacy competition teams.

Rose, a former U.S. Army major, teaches professionalism, trial advocacy, criminal procedure and evidence. He is the author of Fundamental Trial Advocacy and a co-author of Military Crimes and Defenses and Fundamental Pretrial Advocacy.

Rose, who previously served as the center’s associate director, replaces professor Roberta Kemp Flowers, who holds the Wm. Reece Smith Distinguished Professorship and has served as the center’s director since 2000.

Professor Flowers, who teaches trial advocacy, evidence and criminal procedure at Stetson, will focus on a variety of professionalism and student leadership projects.