Stetson Law Moot Court Team takes home best brief in Chicago

Contact Brandi Palmer
Communications Specialist

Gulfport, Fla. – Stetson University College of Law’s Information, Technology, and Privacy Moot Court Team received an award for the Best Respondent Brief at the Twenty-Sixth Annual John Marshall Law School International Moot Court Competition in Information Technology and Privacy Law Oct. 18-20 in Chicago.

Team members Stacy Appleton, Adam Butkus and Nick Mutton wrote the best brief in the competition. Professor Darryl Wilson coached the winning team, which advanced to the semifinals in this international competition.

“The best brief award is one of the top three awards given in any moot court competition and is the highest award given to the team’s written work. We are thrilled,” said Professor Stephanie Vaughan, Stetson’s Moot Court Advisor.

Stetson’s Moot Court Board is composed of students who seek to improve both their writing and oral advocacy skills. Board members compete as teams in interscholastic moot court competitions that take place throughout the year and throughout the world.

Awards are given to the winning team, as well as to the team writing the best brief and the best advocate from the oral argument rounds.

Competitions cover a wide variety of legal fields including worker’s compensation, criminal procedure, international law, information technology, bankruptcy, environmental law, civil rights, labor law, copyright and unfair trade practices, tax, and constitutional law. In addition, there is a competition devoted to “hot topics” in criminal or civil law each semester.