Stetson Offers Advocacy Resource Center

Contact Brandi Palmer

[email protected]

Stetson University College of Law has introduced the Advocacy Resource Center, which offers video presentations on pre-trial, trial and appellate topics. The new service can be found at

“We are making these resources available free of charge to public service attorneys,” said Professor Charles Rose, director of Stetson’s Center for Excellence in Advocacy. “These training modules include the wit, wisdom and experiences of a generation of trial lawyers, guest lecturers and Stetson professors.”

The public service attorneys who can use the site free include: government attorneys, legal aid personnel, district attorneys, public defenders, military attorneys, and other attorneys who work on behalf of the public good.

The service is also free for one year to Stetson advocacy conference attendees and to law professors in a beta-testing group. Please contact Stetson at 727-562-7317 for more information.