Stetson Law Students Win Regional Competition

Contact Brandi Palmer
Manager of Media Relations
[email protected]

Stetson University College of Law’s arbitration teams placed first and second at the ABA/LSD Regional Arbitration Competition in Chicago this past weekend. The teams will both advance to compete at the national arbitration competition Jan. 23-24, in San Antonio, Texas.

For the past three years, Stetson students have won both first and second place at the regional competitions. The team of James Bush, Jennifer Hudson, Jenna Jordon and Meghan Reddy won first place and the team of Sarah Cohen, Kelly-Ann Jenkins, Ben Ladouceur and Sara Mieczkowski took second place.

“The teams worked extremely hard to get to this point and we could not be prouder of their performance in terms of talent and professionalism,” said Professor Kelly Feeley, who co-coached the winning teams with Professor Roberta Flowers.

Each year, the ABA Law Student Division’s Arbitration Competition invites law students from around the nation to participate in regional and national championships with a strong focus on legal ethics and professionalism. Student participants prepare and present an arbitration case, including opening statements, witness examination, exhibit introductions, evidentiary presentations and summations.

Stetson’s Alternative Dispute Resolution board helps students hone their skills in negotiation, client counseling and mediation. ADR students participate in rigorous competition practices with faculty coaches, research competition topics, and attend a weekly class.