Three Educators Receive Facilitator Award

Contact Brandi Palmer
Manager of Media Relations
[email protected]

Three Educators Receive Award 1

(L-R): Stetson Law Professor Peter Lake, Linda Major of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and Stetson Law Vice-President and Dean Darby Dickerson. Click thumbnail for larger image.

The late professor Liviu Librescu of Virginia Polytechnic University, Linda Major of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and professor Thomas Workman of the University of Houston-Downtown and Baylor College of Medicine, each received this year’s Facilitator Award from Stetson University College of Law at the 30th Annual National Conference on Law and Higher Education on Feb. 22 in Orlando, Fla.

Stetson created the Facilitator Award to honor educators who embody the values and principles articulated by Stetson Law professors Robert Bickel and Peter Lake in their book, The Rights and Responsibilities of the Modern University. The Facilitator Model urges educators to be proactive about safety and risk management, and to develop organizational environments that are reasonably safe, educationally relevant and developmentally sound.

Three Educators Receive Award 2

(L-R): Stetson Law Professor Peter Lake, Thomas Workman of the University of Houston-Downtown and Baylor College of Medicine, and Stetson Law Vice-President and Dean Darby Dickerson. Click thumbnail for larger image.

Librescu sacrificed his own life to save his students by throwing himself in front of Virginia Tech shooter Seung Hui Cho on April 16, 2007, when Cho attempted to enter his classroom. Librescu was fatally shot, but most of his students escaped to safety through a window.

Major serves as the director of student involvement and is the project director for “NU Directions,” a campus/community coalition initiative at the University of Nebraska designed to reduce high-risk drinking among college students. Workman also worked at Nebraska with NU Directions, but now works in Houston with the Baylor College of Medicine and the University of Houston-Downtown, where he co-directs the Center for Public Deliberation. Together, Major and Workman developed and implemented a signature program that has reduced high-risk drinking at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln campus and has positively and permanently impacted the academic community.

To learn more about upcoming higher education programs at Stetson, please visit the Center for Excellence in Higher Education Law and Policy’s Web site at or call 727-562-7392.

The late Professor Liviu Librescu of Virginia Polytechnic University.

The late Professor Liviu Librescu of Virginia Polytechnic University. Click for high-resolution image.