Stetson Law Honors Faculty Scholarship

Contact Brandi Palmer

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Stetson Law applauded faculty scholarship at a luncheon on the Gulfport campus on April 29. The event offered a rare glimpse into the considerable and varied research being done at Stetson as professors each offered summaries of their recent and forthcoming publications.

The faculty published more than 38 books, 48 book chapters, 152 law review articles and 50 other forms of scholarly works over the past three academic years. These publications include casebooks, course books and treatises published by Aspen, West, LexisNexis, Carolina Academic Press and other major publishers in areas including commercial transactions, federal courts, international business transactions, white collar crime, elder law, advocacy, property, tax, higher education law, state constitutional law and international sales. The Stetson Law faculty also published works in leading journals including the Journal of College and University Law, Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review, UCLA Law Review, Minnesota Law Review, Washington & Lee Law Review and other law reviews.

The Social Science Research Network ranks Stetson Law among the top 100 law schools (number 95 this month) whose scholarly articles are downloaded from the SSRN Web site. SSRN is a widely read online resource for academic researchers around the globe.