Legal Writing Conference

Contact Frank Klim

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Stetson University College of Law hosted the 2009 Southeast Regional Legal Writing Conference on Sept. 11-12 and the ALWD Scholars’ Forum/Workshop on Sept. 13. The workshop and conference allowed participants opportunities to present their scholarship ideas, works-in-progress, or well-developed drafts of legal writing articles to other legal writing faculty.

The conference theme, “Remixing the Classics,” honored classical legal writing concepts of the last 25 years and recognized the need to “remix” those traditional ideas to meet the needs of new students, to adapt to new faculty expectations, and to move the discipline forward. The plenary speaker for the conference was Mary Beth Beazley, associate professor of law at The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law in Columbus, Ohio.

Professor Beazley has been teaching legal research and writing for more than 20 years and is the author of the highly regarded book, A Practical Guide to Appellate Advocacy, now it its second edition. She is president-elect of the Association of Legal Writing Directors, chair of the ABA Communication Skills Committee, former president of the Legal Writing Institute, 2005 recipient of the Thomas F. Blackwell Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Field of Legal Writing, and 2008 recipient of the Burton Award for Outstanding Contributions in Legal Writing Education.