Morgan Wins Treat Award

Contact Brandi Palmer
Manager of Media Relations
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Professor Rebecca C. Morgan.

Professor Rebecca C. Morgan. Click for high-resolution image.

Stetson University College of Law elder law scholar Professor Rebecca C. Morgan has been awarded this year’s prestigious Treat Award for Excellence by the National College of Probate Judges. The award  was presented Oct. 2 at the annual National College of Probate Judges meeting in Maine. Previous recipients include U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, Professor James Casner of Harvard Law School, and other prominent legal scholars.

Professor Morgan directs Stetson’s Center for Excellence in Elder Law and is the Boston Asset Management Faculty Chair in Elder Law, the first faculty chair in elder law in the country. The Center is nationally recognized as a leader in elder law and presents numerous programs for attorneys, trustees, estate planners, financial advisers, CPAs and other elder care professionals.

A committee reviewed nominations from across the country. Professor Morgan is only the second Floridian to receive this award.

“Professor Morgan continuously and unselfishly shares her vast knowledge in the field of elder law with her characteristic enthusiasm,” said Judge John N. Kirkendall, who nominated Professor Morgan for the award.  “She brings honor to all of us in the legal and judicial community.”

Morgan is a past president of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, past president of the board of directors of the National Senior Citizens Law Center, past chair of the American Association of Law Schools Section on Aging and the Law and of the Florida Bar Elder Law Section, and was on the faculty of the National Judicial College.

The Treat Award was established in 1978 to recognize an individual for significant contributions to the improvement of the law or judicial administration in probate or related fields. The award is named in honor of Judge William W. Treat, founder and President Emeritus of the National College of Probate Judges.