Chief Justices Share Wisdom, Elder Law Attorney Honored

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State Supreme Court Justices Holder, Hunstein and Quince at Stetson Law's Inns of Court.

State Supreme Court Justices Holder, Hunstein and Quince at Stetson Law's Inns of Court. Click for high-resolution image.

Three female state Supreme Court justices shared their wisdom with Stetson University College of Law students preparing to enter the field of law at the annual Inns of Court Banquet and Wm. Reece Smith Jr. Distinguished Lecture on Jan. 25 in St. Petersburg. Elder law attorney Edwin M. Boyer JD ’77  was presented with this year’s Wm. Reece Smith Jr. Public Service Award.

Chief Justice Janice Holder of the Tennessee Supreme Court, Chief Justice Carol Hunstein JD ’76 of the Supreme Court of Georgia, and Chief Justice Peggy Quince of the Florida Supreme Court addressed a crowd of students and faculty at Stetson’s banquet and lecture.  Justice Quince received an honorary doctor of laws degree from Stetson in 1999.




Wm. Reece Smith Jr. with Edwin M. Boyer.

Wm. Reece Smith Jr. with Edwin M. Boyer. Click for high-resolution image.

Each of the justices offered students in the audience career advice. “Don’t let anyone define who you are or what you can or cannot do,” said Justice Holder.Justice Hunstein advised, “Be proud of who you are and what you do. Keep true to yourself.” Each of the justices spoke of the need to provide additional financial support to the judicial branch of the government to help keep pace with the country’s current economic condition.

Boyer, this year’s Wm. Reece Smith Jr. Public Service Award winner, serves on the Florida Department of Children and Families Secretary’s Advisory Council on Adult Protective Services and is a fellow of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys. Boyer helps educate guardians and caregivers who work with seniors, speaks frequently to community organizations about aging issues, and works to promote public policy protecting our state and nation’s vulnerable aging population.


L-R: Justice Holder, Justice Hunstein, Edwin Boyer, Wm. Reece Smith Jr. and Justice Quince.

L-R: Justice Holder, Justice Hunstein, Edwin Boyer, Wm. Reece Smith Jr. and Justice Quince. Click for high-resolution image.

Stetson established the prestigious public service award in 1990 for Wm. Reece Smith Jr., past president of the International, American and Florida Bar Associations and the subject of a new book, A Consummate Lawyer, by Stetson Professor of Law Emeritus Michael I. Swygert. Smith’s relationship with Stetson began in the 1950s, and he has been a distinguished professorial lecturer at the law school since 1991, becoming a member of the Stetson University College of Law Hall of Fame in 2004.

The Annual Inns of Court is an adopted Stetson tradition that brings together prominent lawyers, experienced teachers and law students to exchange ideas, experiences and education. The original Inns of Court has its roots in England.