Stetson Law Listed Among the Top ‘Green’ School

Contact Brandi Palmer
Manager of Media Relations
[email protected]

Professor Royal Gardner teaching at Stetson Law.

Professor Royal Gardner teaching at Stetson Law. Click for high-resolution image.

The latest issue of preLaw magazine lists Stetson University College of Law among the top ‘green’ schools in the nation. The magazine used information about law schools’ curriculum, campus environment and building trends to develop its Honor Roll highlighting the “best and brightest.” PreLaw also considered ‘green’ academic offerings including faculty, classes, externships, legal journals and summer programs.

“This is a wonderful affirmation of the great work that Stetson students, faculty and staff are engaged in, from the local to the global level,” said professor Royal Gardner, who directs Stetson’s Institute for Biodiversity Law & Policy.

In February of this year, Stetson became the first law school in the world to sign a memorandum of cooperation with the Ramsar Secretariat, assisting the international group that works to protect wetlands. Two recent Stetson Law graduates worked with the National Audubon Society on the application for the Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary in Naples, Fla., to be designated as a Wetland of International Importance last October.

Stetson’s Go Green Committee set up permanent campus-wide recycling stations and regularly sponsors recycling drives, free bike repair on campus for student commuters, and other events.

Students with an interest in wildlife issues at Stetson also have an opportunity to work on the Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy. In March, the International Wildlife Law Conference was held in conjunction with the International Finals of the International Environmental Moot Court Competition on Stetson’s Gulfport campus. Speakers from around the world presented on international law, international environmental law and animal welfare issues.

Each semester, Stetson presents a series of Biodiversity Lectures. The first of the fall semester lecture series was presented on Aug. 30 by author/environmental journalist Craig Pittman.

Read more by visiting preLaw. To learn more about Stetson’s outstanding biodiversity/environmental law programs, visit