Advocacy Teams Win Two Competitions on Nov. 13 and 14

Contact Brandi Palmer
Manager of Media Relations
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Advocacy Teams win two competitions 1

(L-R): Mercer Law Dean Gary J. Simson, Professor Daisy Hurst Floyd, Jessica Flammer, Kaleena Barnes, Jason Lambert, Judge Louis Sands, Judge Danny Craig and Judge Michael J. Moore. Photo courtesy Mercer University. Click for high-resolution image.

Stetson University College of Law’s advocacy teams won two competitions on Nov. 13 and 14.

The Stetson Law Moot Court team won the Legal Ethics and Professionalism Moot Court Competition on Nov. 13 at Mercer University School of Law in Macon, Ga. Two joint advocacy board arbitration teams of Stetson Law students won both first and second place at the American Bar Association Law Student Division Regional Arbitration Competition on Nov. 14 at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.

Kaleena Barnes, Jessica Flammer and Jason Lambert won the inaugural Legal Ethics and Professionalism Moot Court Competition, competing against 15 teams from around the nation. District and circuit court judges presided over the final rounds of the competition, in which the team argued a moot U.S. Supreme Court case.


Advocacy Teams win two competitions 2

Students (L-R): Chris Donegan, Sarah Lord, Angela Meyers and David Jacobs won first-place in the ABA LSD Regional Arbitration Competition. Click for high-resolution image.

The Stetson team of Chris Donegan, David Jacobs, Sarah Lord and Angela Meyers won first place in the ABA LSD Regional Arbitration Competition. The second Stetson team of Rachel Attal, Anne Dryden, Ashley Dusnik and Matthew Futch won second place. It is the fifth time in the regional competition’s history that two Stetson teams have faced each other in the finals. Ten teams competed. Both of Stetson’s teams will advance to the ABA/LSD National Arbitration Competition in Chicago in January.


Advocacy Teams win two competitions 3

Students (L-R): Matthew Futch, Anne Dryden, Ashley Dusnik and Rachel Attal won second-place in the ABA LSD Regional Arbitration Competition. Click for high-resolution image.