International Environmental Moot Court Competition

Hugh Wooding Law School of Trinidad and Tobago and American University Washington College of Law students qualified this Saturday to compete in Stetson University College of Law’s 15th Annual International Environmental Moot Court Competition in March.

Hugh Wooding Law School team with Stetson Law Professor Royal Gardner

Hugh Wooding Law School team with Stetson Law Professor Royal Gardner (center). Click for high-resolution image.

Hugh Wooding Law School won the regional competition and American University Washington College of Law was runner-up and won the best memorial award at the North America-Atlantic Region International Environmental Moot Court Competition held Jan. 21-22 at Stetson Law in Gulfport. Tecla Duncan, student from Hugh Wooding Law School, was named best oralist in the final round.

The winning teams will both advance to compete in the prestigious international finals hosted by Stetson Law at the University of Maryland School of Law March 17-20. Students from Africa, Central and Eastern Europe, India, Ireland, Latin America, North America and Southeast Asia will compete in the finals.




American University Washington College of Law team with Professor Royal Gardner

American University Washington College of Law team with Professor Royal Gardner. Click for high-resolution image.

Eight teams from law schools across the country and two teams from the Caribbean competed in the regional competition this past weekend at Stetson Law. The students argued a moot case on the topic of oil pollution and the marine environment.

Stetson Law offers an advanced LL.M. degree in international law and is home to the Institute for Biodiversity Law and Policy. The institute is a nexus of education, research, and service activities related to global, regional and local biodiversity issues. Stetson Law is also home to the Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy.

Hugh Wooding Law School student best oralist Tecla Duncan with Stetson Law Professor Royal Gardner

Hugh Wooding Law School student best oralist Tecla Duncan with Stetson Law Professor Royal Gardner. Click for high-resolution image.

Stetson’s international programs include a semester exchange and dual degree programs with the University of Granada, Spain; a semester exchange program with the University of Toulouse in Toulouse, France; an international law concentration; an international student exchange; as well as study abroad opportunities in Argentina, China, Netherlands/Switzerland, Spain, London and the Cayman Islands.

Contact Brandi Palmer
Manager of Media Relations
[email protected]