New Professorship

Stetson University College of Law has named Ellen S. Podgor the inaugural Gary R. Trombley Family White-Collar Crime Research Professor.

Professor Ellen S. Podgor

Professor Ellen S. Podgor. Click for high-resolution image.

A former prosecutor and criminal defense attorney, Professor Podgor has written more than 50 articles and co-authored many books, including White Collar Crime in a NutshellUnderstanding International Criminal Law andMastering Criminal Law. She is also editor of the White Collar Crime Prof Blog, which boasts a readership of two million and counting.

Podgor is a member of the American Law Institute and serves on the board of directors of the International Society for the Reform of Criminal Law. She also serves on the board of trustees of the Southeastern Association of Law Schools. Podgor is a former member of the board of directors of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and past chair of the Criminal Justice Section of the Association of American Law Schools. She is an honorary member of the American Board of Criminal Lawyers.

Podgor has served as Stetson’s Culverhouse Chair, LeRoy Highbaugh Sr. Research Chair, and inaugural Associate Dean of Faculty Development and Electronic Education. Before joining Stetson’s faculty in 2005, she was a tenured professor at Georgia State.

In September 2010, Podgor testified before Congress on the issue of overcriminalization. Also in 2010, Podgor received the Robert C. Heeney Award, the highest honor given by the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.

Stetson Law alumnus Gary R. Trombley ’73, who established the professorship, is an award-winning white-collar defense and criminal defense attorney at Trombley & Hanes P.A. in Tampa, a member of the College of Law’s Board of Overseers, and inductee in Stetson Law’s Hall of Fame. Trombley received the Attorney General’s “Outstanding Performance in Trial Practice Award” while serving as Assistant U.S. Attorney in the Middle District of Florida. He has served as a member The Florida Bar’s Board of Governors.

Contact Brandi Palmer
Manager of Media Relations
[email protected]