Professor Eddie Ohlbaum Receives Lifetime Achievement Award for Excellence in Advocacy

Professor Eddie Ohlbaum, recipient of this year's Lifetime Achievement Award for Excellence in Advocacy.

Professor Eddie Ohlbaum, recipient of this year's Lifetime Achievement Award for Excellence in Advocacy. Click for high-resolution image.

Professor Eddie Ohlbaum, director of Temple Law School’s Trial Advocacy and Clinical Education program, was awarded the 2011 Lifetime Achievement Award for Excellence in Advocacy on May 26 at the “Educating Advocates: Teaching Advocacy Skills” conference at Stetson University College of Law in Gulfport.

Professor Ohlbaum  is the author of several books, and consults and lectures on evidence, litigation strategy, advocacy, and ethics to judicial conferences, government agencies, bar associations and law firms. He is also the recipient of the Roscoe Pound Foundation Richard S. Jacobson Award for demonstrated excellence in teaching trial advocacy.

Stetson Law is offering its annual three-day Educating Advocates conference on May 25-27 on its beautiful Gulfport, Fla., campus.

A faculty of nationally recognized advocacy experts from the bench, bar and academy provide instruction at the three-day interactive conference on teaching and learning advocacy skills.


Professor Eddie Ohlbaum presents in Stetson Law's Florin & Roebig Courtroom.

Professor Eddie Ohlbaum presents in Stetson Law's Florin & Roebig Courtroom. Click for high-resolution image.

Conference attendees have access to Stetson’s online Advocacy Resource Center, publications and other materials.

Contact: Brandi Palmer
[email protected]