High school students celebrate Constitution Day at Stetson Law

Martin Dyckman, former chief editorial writer for the St. Petersburg Times, talked to Tampa Bay area high school students on Sept. 16 at Stetson University College of Law in Gulfport to celebrate Constitution Day.

Martin Dyckman spoke to Tampa Bay high school students about the Constitution at Stetson Law.

Martin Dyckman spoke to Tampa Bay high school students about the Constitution at Stetson Law.

“Students who don’t understand history become uninformed voters,” Dyckman told the group. He urged the students to register to vote and to thoroughly research issues. “Use your minds. Think. Let’s keep the republic if we can,” Dyckman told the young students.

The students were visiting Stetson Law as part of the first James Otis Lecture, sponsored by the Tampa Bay Chapter of the American Board of Trial Advocates.

Stetson constitutional law professor Louis Virelli, Stetson Law students, and ABOTA leadership also talked with the group of students from Pasco, Largo, Jefferson and Gibbs high schools. Professor Virelli discussed the impact of constitutional powers on real life.

The program about the U.S. Constitution was created to help Florida schools provide educational programs around the anniversary of the signing of the Constitution every year.