John Marshall Law School Chicago students win regional arbitration competition at Stetson, head to nationals with Stetson team

Students from John Marshall Law School, Chicago, won first place at the regional round of the ABA Law Student Division Arbitration Competition on Nov. 19 at Stetson University College of Law in Gulfport, Fla.

The first-place John Marshall Law School team of Josh Rinker, Chase Gruszka, Sara Ross, Danielle Vlcek, and coach Angelique Palmer.

The first-place John Marshall Law School team of Josh Rinker, Chase Gruszka, Sara Ross, Danielle Vlcek, and coach Angelique Palmer.

The first-place team of Chase Gruszka, Josh Rinker, Sara Ross and Danielle Vlcek will advance to compete in the national finals at ABA headquarters in Chicago in January. Angelique Palmer and Anthony Sam coached the winning team from John Marshall.

The Stetson team of Eric Briley, Ashley Dusnik, Julie Ann Embler and Jhenerr Hines placed second and also will advance to the national competition. Professor James Sheehan coached the team.

The ABA Law Student Division Arbitration Competition simulates a realistic arbitration hearing in which students prepare and present a case, including opening statements, witness examinations, exhibit introductions, evidence presentations and summations. A panel of judges offered feedback on the students’ presentations to help them hone their skills as arbitrators.