Stetson environmental law headlines around the world

Jamaica − Third-year law Stetson Law student Marcela Bonells is presenting her paper in Spanish this week at the V Pan-American Regional Meeting in Jamaica. Bonells completed an externship with Ramsar this summer in Switzerland.

Stetson Law Interim Dean Royal Gardner, past chair of the U.S. Ramsar Committee and author of the book, Lawyers, Swamps and Money: U.S. Wetland Law, Policy, and Politics, is moderating the Ramsar session in Jamaica.

Romania – International Environmental Law and Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy students at Stetson did case studies that they presented to Ramsar, and Dean Gardner and Stetson Law students helped draft a resolution to be considered at the next Ramsar meeting in Romania in July.

Interim Dean Royal Gardner meets with students working on the Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy at Stetson.

Interim Dean Royal Gardner meets with students working on the Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy at Stetson.

India – The India regional rounds of Stetson Law’s International Environmental Moot Court Competition were conducted this past weekend. The National Law University, Jodhpur, won the North India regional round and the National Law School of India University, Bangalore, won the South India regional round of competition. This is the 16th year Stetson has held this competition. Countries participating in the IEMCC this year include Africa, Australia, China, India, Ireland, Korea, Latin America, Malaysia, Nepal, Philippines, United States, Ukraine and Vietnam.

Competitions around the world will determine which four teams of law students will compete at the International Finals hosted at Stetson Law in Tampa Bay, Fla., at the end of March. The students practice their skills presenting legal arguments involving a realistic nuclear plant accident with the potential to impact multiple countries.