Stetson University-NACDL launch innovative white collar defense program in March

Stetson University and the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers are launching a new legal education program, the “White Collar Criminal Defense College,” on March 15-20, at Stetson University College of Law in Gulfport.

WHO: Practitioners in the field of white collar criminal defense and those wishing to enter this field will gain key advocacy skills and learn substantive white collar crime law at the new program.

WHAT: The program will cover practical training in handling a white collar case, including client retention, investigating a white collar case, handling searches and grand jury subpoenas, and dealing with parallel proceedings. Interactive sessions with top white collar practitioners will allow the participants to learn trial skills such as opening statements, cross-examination, jury instructions, closing arguments, and sentencing – all in the context of a white collar matter. NACDL is an accredited CLE provider and will apply for up to 36.5 credits in all states with CLE requirements. Credits vary by jurisdiction; attendees will be notified of the final approved credits during the program.

WHERE: The program takes place at Stetson University College of Law, 1401 61st St. S., Gulfport.

Accommodations are available at the Tradewinds Island Grand Beach Resort, 5500 Gulf Blvd., St. Pete Beach.

For more information about the White Collar Criminal Defense College, contact NACDL Meetings Manager Tamara Kalacevic at (202) 872-8600 x641 or [email protected] or Stetson Law Professor Ellen S. Podgor at (727) 562-7348 or [email protected].