Stetson professors serve on panels, committees for the Association of American Law Schools

Stetson University College of Law professors participated in several topical panels and committees at the annual Association of American Law Schools meeting Jan. 4-8 in Washington, D.C.

The following professors served on panels at the meeting:

  • Associate Dean John Cooper moderated a panel on “The Globalization of the Legal Practice for the Section on International Legal Exchange;”
  • Professor Kirsten Davis presented “Feedback Mechanisms” at the AALS Day-Long Workshop on Academic Support; and
  • Professor Louis Virelli organized, moderated and spoke on the panel entitled “Hot Topic Program: Politics, Ethics, and the Supreme Court: The Present and Future of Supreme Court Recusal.”

Several Stetson Law faculty members are serving with diverse committees and special sections of the AALS:

  • Professor Michael Allen completed his service on the Executive Committee for the Section on Remedies;
  • Professor Linda Anderson has begun serving as chair of the Section on Part-time Division Programs;
  • Professor Cynthia Batt co-chairs the Membership, Outreach, and Training Committee and is a member of the Externship Committee for the Section on Clinical Education;
  • Professor Mark Bauer was elected treasurer of the Section on Aging and Law;
  • Associate Dean John Cooper completed his service as chair of the Section on International Legal Exchange and will serve on the Executive Committee for the upcoming year;
  • Professor Kirsten Davis was elected secretary of the Section on Women in Legal Education;
  • Professor Peter Fitzgerald was elected to the Executive Committee of the Section on Animal Law;
  • Associate Dean James Fox was elected to the Executive Committee of the Section on Legal History;
  • Professor Luz Nagle serves on the Committee on the Recruitment and Retention of Minority Law Teachers;
  • Professor Jason Palmer was elected to the Executive Committee and Professor Ellen Podgor was elected Secretary for the Section on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Issues;
  • Professor Susan Rozelle completed her service on the Executive Committee of the Section on Criminal Justice, continues to serve on the Work-Life Balance Committee of the Section on Women in Legal Education, and remains chair of the Teaching Materials Network for the AALS New Law Professors Section; and
  • Professor Louis Virelli was elected to the Executive Committee of the Section on Constitutional Law.