ACLU of Florida and Stetson Law examine solutions to school-to-prison pipeline on Feb. 2 at Stetson Law

The Juvenile Justice Initiative and Black Law Students Association at Stetson University College of Law and the American Civil Liberties Union of Florida are co-sponsoring a panel discussion on Feb. 2 at Stetson Law in Gulfport to address effectively shutting down the school-to-prison pipeline.

WHAT: A panel of experts will discuss strategies for reducing Florida’s dropout rate and the number of young people in the juvenile and criminal justice system, making schools safer and better, and more efficiently using law enforcement. The educational forum is designed to inspire students to become engaged in making a difference in the field of juvenile criminal law.

WHO: Experts include: Judge Patrice Moore; Tim Niermann, lead probation officer in the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice; Dr. Valerie Brimm of the Office of Strategic Partnership, St. Petersburg; Lily McCarty of the Law Office of Julianne M. Holt, Public Defender’s Office, 13th Judicial Circuit; and Trenia Cox, planning manager for the Juvenile Welfare Board Children’s Services Council of Pinellas County.

WHEN: Feb. 2, 6-8 p.m.

WHERE: Great Hall, Stetson University College of Law, 1401 61st St. S., Gulfport.

For more information, or to RSVP, contact Joyce Hamilton Henry, Ph.D., at the ACLU of Florida at 813-288-8505 or [email protected], or Stetson Law student Mary Day at [email protected].

Editor’s Note:

The ACLU of Florida, Advancement Project, and Florida State Conference of the NAACP issued the report, “Still Haven’t Shut Off the School-to-Prison Pipeline: Evaluating the Impact of Florida’s New Zero-Tolerance Law,” in March of 2011. The “school-to-prison-pipeline” refers to the policies and practices that over-criminalize student behavior, funneling young people out of classrooms and into the criminal justice system.

The Juvenile Justice Initiative at Stetson was proposed in the fall of 2011 by students and Judith Scully, the Wm. Reece Smith Jr. Distinguished Professor of Law at Stetson, to create solutions to juveniles in the criminal justice system.

Media Contact:

Brandi Palmer

Communications Office

Stetson University College of Law

727-562-7381 w

727-430-1580 c

[email protected]