Stetson Law Solo Practice Network presents Free Legal Research in a Digital World

Elizabeth Barnes conducts a session at the seminar on Free Legal Research in a Digital World.

Elizabeth Barnes conducted a session at the seminar on Free Legal Research in a Digital World.

The Stetson Law Solo Practice Network held two free seminars in July for alumni. Stetson’s Dolly & Homer Hand Law Library director Professor Rebecca Trammell, reference librarian Elizabeth Barnes, and Professor Sally Waters discussed ways to do better legal and general research at a seminar on July 20 in Gulfport, “Free Legal Research in a Digital World.”

The seminar presented ways lawyers can work more efficiently using the right search engine, database, and free and fee research tools. The presentation also provided an overview of the right apps and software to use when integrating devices such as smart phones and laptops into research to work faster and more effectively.

Another seminar on July 21 in Tampa covered the same topic.

Stetson will sponsor Solo Practice Network Series events for alumni on a variety of topics at the Celebration Campus and Tampa Law Center in the fall.

The Solo Practice Network was developed by Stetson Law to assist graduating students and alumni in starting, building and sustaining successful law practices. Through the Solo Practice Network, Stetson Law supports alumni in the solo and small practice community. During the spring semester, Stetson launched a three-day Solo Practice Institute at the Tampa Law Center.